Briar Baby
Made for the little people and moments you cherish the most, Briar Baby bonnets are popular and especially loved by the modern, sartorial parent. They handpicked the very best materials for style, quality, and function to all come together, as it should. Briar Baby bonnets are simply necessary.
Based in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, all bonnets are proudly (and carefully) manufactured in the USA.
We are thrilled to have Briar Baby bonnets in our store! All the bonnets will match very well to all pieces at our store.
We have chosen Briar Baby, not only for their quality but their style is beautiful. With more than 160K Instagram followers, they are beloved by so many parents. We can assure you that this will make a unique moment to capture your loved tiny human.
Based in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, all bonnets are proudly (and carefully) manufactured in the USA.
We are thrilled to have Briar Baby bonnets in our store! All the bonnets will match very well to all pieces at our store.
We have chosen Briar Baby, not only for their quality but their style is beautiful. With more than 160K Instagram followers, they are beloved by so many parents. We can assure you that this will make a unique moment to capture your loved tiny human.

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